As a blogger, where do we find our stock photos for our blog posts, social media activations and our other communication touch points? There are plenty of free stock photo websites out there, providing hi-resolution photos for you to use on your blog! Here are my top 5 favourite places to find stock photos that are absolutely free!

This is one of my favourite. Unsplash offer free high-resolution photos and they upload 10 new photos every 10 days. I love the feeling of the photos you find on Unsplash. They are quite raw and natural and they are often perfect for the more thoughtful, soul-searching blogger, but there is always something unique to be found! The only problem with this website is that there is no categorising feature, so it's time consuming to scroll through all the photos to find what you need. However, the photos are stunning, so perhaps it's ok to spend the time having a browse!

Pixels offers some great image options for bloggers and has a library of business related images that are really useful. They also have some really fun people and travel images. They upload 5 new images a day and there is a search function which makes it really easy to use. Just like Unsplash, you don't have to attribute images and they are free for both personal and commercial use.

I love the feeling of the images on this site. They are absolutely perfect for a huge range of bloggers, particularly lifestyle and wellness bloggers. They are sorted in categories and you can sign up to have 10 new images sent to your inbox every 2 weeks. They are hi-res images for personal and commercial use and are free from all copyright protection.

These photos are of stunning quality. Again, they are completely free and quick to download. Their categories are broken down a little differently from the others, and they are less useful to things like images of computers etc. Their nature and landscape images are to die for and are certainly an asset for bloggers to know about. They also have a collection of HDR photos that boast incredible colour intensity. Definitely worth a look!

And finally I always stop by ISO when I am looking for blogging images. They are completely free to use for all creative purposes including commercial endeavours. They have a great collection of urban and architectural images. I also love these cute strawberries!!
And if you don't find what you are looking for at any of those, here are a bunch more sites to try! All in one place!
(Photo Credit: Alex Lv)