I have recently discovered the amazing world of podcasts and let me just take a moment to tell you how many incredibly useful things I have learnt in a really short amount of time! I have learnt invaluable tips and tricks about topics involving sales, Facebook advertising, social media engagement, affiliate marketing and even Ladyboss and money making mindsets. I have been introduced to Periscope and was inspired to actually try my own Periscope broadcast! I have been introduced to other fantastic Podcasters and personalities that I have become addicted too: Zach Spuckler, I am looking at you!
Just incase you're not sure, a podcast is a pre-recorded broadcast that you can download via iTunes (all of the ones I will be talking about today are free for your download) and I recommend listening to them when you are driving or at the gym. Driving is absolutely my podcast time. I used to listen to music when I would drive but lately, I can't wait to put on my podcasts and learn some really high value stuff!
So today I wanted to share with you my 4 favourite podcasters and tell you why I love them so much!
By far one of my favourite podcasts, and the one that I started with, is the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast hosted by Amy Porterfield. I can't tell you how much I have learnt listening to Amy's podcast. I have been introduced to ideas and methods that I have never heard of, found other fantastic entrepreneurs to follow and learn from and I have been endlessly motivated to up my business, branding and marketing game since I first found her only two weeks ago. And it was actually through Amy's podcast that I found the host of the next podcast I will talk about. Seriously. Get on to this podcast.
The HSH podcast is brand new, only being released last week, but already it's gaining huge momentum. I think this would have a lot to do with how charismatic Zach is and how generous he is with his time and the information he shares. I was so impressed to see that Zach's podcast landed itself on the 'new and noteworthy' iTunes wall in under 24 hours after being released. Zach's podcasts have all been interviews so far, but wow! so informative! I have learnt about sales and creating the right mindset for success. Absolutely loving this new podcast and I can't wait to see what else Zach does with it!
I haven't listened to many of Jess's podcasts yet, but I have adored everything I have heard so far! It is so clear right from the first moment that Jess is passionate about adding intention to the everyday. I really love her show as a change of pace to consider my own personal habits and mindsets and it reminds me to slow down and focus on myself sometimes. It's such a lovely listen, and Jess is an absolute, to the core, sweetheart, so it's definitely a great addition to your podcast collection!
The first episode I listened to in the SDIHW series was an amazing interview with Whitney English of the Day Designer line, and I absolutely loved it. It was so insightful to hear about the life and business of someone who is as much of a powerhouse as Whitney English is! The SDIHW podcast is a collection of interviews with top entrepreneurs, exploring their businesses, process and how they have developed in the way that they have. This element of hearing how other people have created their empire is so inspiring for me and has been a really motivational listen!
What podcasts do you listen to and what are they about? When do you like to listen to podcasts? Perhaps when you drive like me, or some other time?